Celebrating 20 Years: Meet Majid Alsayegh

Majid Alsayegh has been helping IJ dream about its role, its impact, and its future since day one. Serving on the Board of Directors for 20 years, including a number of years as Chair, Majid is a trusted and valued sounding board when thinking through the big concepts at IJ. Majid shared a story of IJ’s founding with IJ’s executive director, Carly Rapaport-Stein.

“I met cellist Udi Bar-David in 1998 at the first Arab-Israeli musical event he did at the Main Line Synagogue.  Then I met Carole and Shel shortly after.  We met a few times and helped plan a few events, and we invited friends and contacts to these events. 

“In 2001, September 11th happened.  I was sitting alone in my office in Center City on September 12th around 8 am thinking: We need to do something.  And Udi called while I was sitting there. He said… Majid, we need to do something. I responded that I was thinking the same thing. We started meeting on a regular basis with Carole and Shel. We came up with the name – IJ.  I asked an attorney friend to file papers of incorporation and the IRS forms for a 501c3.  Official approval came back in the spring of 2002, and here we are, 20 years later, celebrating our 20th anniversary season.

“IJ is about understanding the power of connection – like a pebble dropped into a pool of water, knowing the ripples of our actions may have far reaching impacts.

“My wish for IJ 20 years from now is that I hope to see IJ continue expanding to providing impactful programming to audiences around the world!”

If you want to help power the connections for the next 20 years, join IJ on May 10th to celebrate our 20 year history!


Celebrating 20 Years: Meet Carole Haas Gravagno


Celebrating 20 Years: Meet Shel Thompson