Inside the 2024-25 Season
Here’s an Artistic Director insider secret: sometimes the line-up for a season is most determined by artist availability or whether funding came through for a specific project or if a crucial venue could be booked. We work hard to craft throughlines that tell a full artistic story through a season of carefully curated performances, but sometimes we are at the mercy of schedules and technical details. And sometimes, in these chance pairings, surprising new connective touchpoints emerge, illuminating the threads of commonality that can be found even between very different works of art.
This season at Journey Arts I see a meditation on growth — psychically, across a community, between generations, across borders, in the deepest part of the self. And although I didn’t plan for our organizational name change to coincide with this season, it really feels like synchronicity that these journeys of growth will be offered under a new name that embraces that idea of collective transformation, of traveling together into new depths, new worlds, new ideas. Traveling together means even more opportunity for growth. It means opening ourselves to different paces, different styles, different pain, different joy.
Here’s a brief look at our itinerary:
It will be like an epic tour with old friends, new sights and sounds, a new sense of direction. Let’s go…