Ephemera: A Lesbian Memory Hotline is a collective memory bank for lesbian, wlw, or sapphic individuals in Philadelphia. This community-sourced archival project collects short stories from and about lesbian identity to add to the incomplete record of lesbian culture in Philadelphia. This hotline grows out of Esto No Tiene Nombre, a one-woman show documenting the histories of Latina lesbian elders by Denice Frohman, supported by Intercultural Journeys.
Visit the website and listen to the stories here.
Questions? Email us at stories@interculturaljourneys.org.
Funding for the public programs associated with Esto No Tiene Nombre, including the work associated with this website and hotline, has been provided by Spring Point Partners, PA Humanities, and the National Endowment for the Humanities as part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
Esto No Tiene Nombre is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.