During our 2023-24 Season: Elemental, Journey Arts invited audiences to write “Love Letters to the Planet,” at our events and online. Reflecting on our season theme “Elemental: A Love Letter to the Planet,” audiences shared wishes and dreams, their hopes and frustrations, beautiful memories, and stories that represented their connection to earth in letters submitted both online and in-person at shows.

These letters were synthesized into a singular poem called “Ode to Earth” by poet and Journey Arts friend, Yolanda Wisher. Once the poem was completed, it was turned over to renowned collage artist Yannick Lowery, who created the incredible collage you see below.

The Love Letters Project

Abstracted collage by Yannick Lowery. On a black textured background, a circled collage represents interwoven landscapes with waterfalls, cliffs and mountain ranges. Cut outs of birds flying surround the collage. A woman's face, frames the center.

Collage by Yannick Lowery, inspired by community submissions and a poem written by Yolanda Wisher.

ode to earth by Yolanda Wisher

inspired by letters written by the Journey Arts community

dear beautiful one 

the only home i’ve ever known 

i come to you soaked 

with guttural vibrations 

resting against ancestors 

a peculiar mess

& between the two of us 

it is you who has lived & outlived 

you, mother, are the survivor 

your inexhaustible rainbow of seasons 

your blue note singing green hills 

your voice sprouting birds 

you are the mouth of every river 

the name of every color 

something infinite 

& deserving 

of love & care

blue blue dot in the sky 

i know i am mistaken in thinking 

there is an elsewhere 

may i become fluent in your language of light 

may i revel in your completeness 

may life always be found in you 

even in the deliverance we miscall death 

may we be worthy of your song 

a whole lot of ummm hmmmms

coming together